Jud Sharp
Telling Stories in Words and Pictures and Song
Future Books
Here are a few of the books that I have worked on over the years. Though I don't write all the time, from time to time I get immersed in a project that evolves into many months of effort. These stories are quite diverse in style and subject, but generally fall into the realm of children's books.
A brief history of science [working title only]
"People didn't know what we know today; what caused the night and what makes the day..."
And so the story begins and tells how our knowledge grew over the centuries. It focuses on individual scientists and their discoveries, written in verse. It started out as an idea for a simple picture book, then grew as I began to explore the science with greater depth. I saw that I could explain these concepts effectively using verse. I found that poetic structure works well in organizing scientific thought. This also serves the goals of understanding and retention. Plus it's fun, as it should be. My plan for a fully illustrated book grew to 165+ pages. It was quite a journey to write and I hope to soon find someone to publish and promote it.
Three Sisters... travel passed the stars
This is a picture book in verse. It follows the imaginative journey of three sisters, each with their own personality, as they venture out exploring; starting on a trail in the woods and ending at the edge of the universe. They stop and visit other lands along the way. I wrote it in anticipation of my granddaughter, inspired by the three names that her parents were considering. The story unfolded from there.
Morning Glory Whodoodle
This is a story about the arrival of an unusual girl to a small town with a one room schoolhouse, set over 100 years ago. It's a fantasy, for she is more unusual then most unusual people and the town and other children are forced to grow to accept her or not. It is a fun and charming chapter book with illustrations scattered throughout. Though it would be classified as a children's book, I wrote it for what the story is and not for a target audience.
science fiction picture book
This is a picture book, saturated with illustrations from another world. It's an adventure in verse as Penelope heads off in her rocket ship to find friends from beyond the known universe. I created it as a vehicle to introduce my more imaginative illustrations. It is a land that I have been exploring and developing for years.