Jud Sharp
Telling Stories in Words and Pictures and Song

This is an illustrated author's reading of the poem,
"The Hizzermine"
from the collection, "The Shadows We Share" .
It was recorded in October of 2020.
It was then edited with the help of Joel Metzger.

Sorry.. This link is not up yet. File was too large. Should be ready soon.
The Tide: written and read by Jud Sharp
with background music and effects by Chris Carter.
This is another collaborative delight. I had read my poems to my good friend Chris Carter early in 2020. His partner, and my good friend Karen Cernek was there too and it was she whose enthusiasm got me to publish these works and even nudged Chris to add his musical touch.. Later, stranded at home by Covid, Chris took off into many solo musical endeavors, including creating a soundtrack to this poem. My endless gratitude flows and I hope you enjoy it as I do.
Thanks Chis and Karen

The Bellfield Lunar Anomaly: a short animated film by my friend Joel Metzger. Joel had ask me to draw the images of the main character. [ It was a process working directly off photograph] I also sent him a sketch as a suggestion for the telescope and was surprised and delighted to find it so accurately reproduced by his colorful 3D imaging.
Joel created this film as part of a series of animated videos expressing the magic of life itself. All these can be found at: pieceweneed.org ( yes, "piece").